Wednesday 15 April 2009


Now i have finished the project i am pleased with the outcome and my end product of flash. looking back on the project i feel that i need to look at what i am pleased with and what i am not. The first i am going to look at what i am not pleased with that includes the fact that there were so many diffrent codes for one action it can be very confusingly which ones work. This can set you back when you are working. Looking at the the animation an finding elements that i am pleased are objects such as the running legs, the spinning bottle and the eye brows going up and down. the reason that i find these animations the best is because the actions used combined with the use of sound.

Looking back at that project as a whole and looking at what i have learned i have many useful techniques. These includes my research giving ideas because where i watched rather good i gave me the idea of moving body parts on a axis in flash. I have also learned how to created moving buttons, load movies into target, quit, full screen/window, mute and un-mute. All of these techniques i have found very useful and i am much more confident with flash now.

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