Wednesday 22 April 2009

Edits in Interviews

After being asked to identify how many edits their are in news interviews in BBC One 6 0'clock news then for southeast today

  • BBC 6 O'clock - Coal Stations (2 min) - 23 Edits, 4 being interview edits
  • South East Today - IVF Boost (3 min) - 14 Edits, 4 being interview edits
I then thought I would try looking at the ITV news in comparason

  • Meridian Tonight - Road & Rail (2.30 min) - 16 Edits
  • ITV News - Social Services Take Pensioner (3 min) - 11 Edits
This shows that the south east today has just over the amount of edits than that of the national news. When i think about this and the reason that it would happen is because with the national news they need to show much more than that of the local. Therefor more is needed to show the content of the story in a clearer way.

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