Tuesday 29 December 2009

Class Crit Comments

Here are the comments that i got during my class crit .....

  • Develop the jump of the man on to the bull
  • Move the arm when walking
  • Put more bull behind the fence, then multiply to replicate a herd
  • Keep swinging arm when bucking
  • Follow the cowboy when flying
  • The background is moving in the wrong direction
  • Create more in background like mountains and cactus
  • Horizon is too high
  • Leave dust if the cowboy lands to imply a rough landing
  • Could make guitar guy different to flying guy and the flying guy goes past
  • Flip arm so the thumb is on the inside
  • Cant use gun sounds due to advertsing rules
  • Could use sounds like bull, lasso and ye ha
  • Could add clouds to the sky to add more character

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