Monday 2 November 2009


Now i have completed my project i feel that i have done well in my production. looking at my filming i feel that the quality could have been better but the reason for its grainy look is because of using the zi6 inside. While filming my solution was to angle the spot lights to the area i was filming and this improved the footage.

looking at my film before my after effects i feel that i like the pace of the film because it feels speedy due to the anger shown in the fist hit. My use of only sound effects i feel adds a slight comical element while showing anger.

Now looking at my use of after effects i feel that my development of ideas and skills in after effects has gone well. for example my use of the ripple effect looking like a ripple in a pond then by developing my ideas and knowledge of effects to turbulent displacement and animated it. Once i had brought a dictionary of effects i found that i knew what i wanted to add.

looking at my film as a whole i feel that i am very happy with my end result. I feel that i have used a number of effects on my sequence that i feel have improved the emphasis that i am trying to put across. The effects that i am most happy with is the write on with the post it and the heat wave development.

When i look at my project as a whole i am very happy with my end result and the overall out come. And as far as my software knowledge development has gone i feel that i have learned more anlong the lines of video editing and and emphasis

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