Friday, 29 January 2010

An Inconvenient Truth Review

An inconvenient truth is a documentary film of the former American president candidate Al Gore giving at presentation on global warming and its effects. Al Gore also uses stories of his own expirences to get the message across even further. Gore felt that he failed when he didn’t become president he should move onto something he felt strong about

Throughout the film many facts and figures are projected and read out but they all come back to the fact that humantie is speeding up the process of global warming. By letting global warming happen we are damaging the most important part of the earth which is the atmosphere. When I started watching the film I wondered why an American president candidate was so interested in global warming but when Gore said that his college professor Roger Revelle was the first person to start measuring carbon dioxide in 1957 it become clear.

Naturally carbon dioxide raises and falls for the season of the earth but it has been changed due to the chage in global temperatures. Also events like global melting of sites like killimanjaro adds to the shift in the earths conditions.

Since the in recient years where much more fossil fules have been used graphs that measure a number of things like temperature and melting have raised at a considerable rate. With the measurement of temperatures ten of the hottest years on record have been in the last fourteen years (dated on 2004), those ten hottest years were 1990,91,95,97,98,99,2001,02,03,04 and then 2005 was hottest of all. After seeing that five years in a row were hottest on record it is no surprise that the warters are getting hotter. Due to these warmer waters storms are getting much more stronger and violent. Also drought and flooding relocates because of the warming of the earth.

At one point the Americans were lead to believe that global warming was a hoax and when things like this happen it confuses people and stop people trying. Therefore when people stop trying the global warming gets worse and things like infectious animals are lasting due to the warmer conditions as well as viruses causing even more infections.

Due to conditions like warmer waters events like the coral reef getting destroyed and ice shelfs collapsing and instead of refreezing meling and if this keeps continueing this will cause mass flooding around the world.

To confuse the public event more it has been found that politisions are changing scientific studies to relieve the public that everything is under control. Therefore we already know what to do to stop global warming so why are we not doing it. But one of the biggest nations emitters being the USA is one of the two nations that has not signed up to the Kyoto treaty.

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