Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Problems DVD Studio Playback

Here i am having a problem with playback of my sequence. I have tried a number of different formats when you have the option of exporting as a mov but changing the settings and this green strip still happens. After searching the net i cant find any soultion therefor i plan to leave it and ask the teaching staff when i return to college.

I have looked at all the logical idea like linked files and diffrent formats but no matter what i try i keep getting this problem.

Poster In There Surroundings

Here i have placed the posters in there surroundings ,that being a billboard and magazine

Tuesday, 29 December 2009


I have now designed my posters and instead of using a still from my sequence i have decided to keep my cultural refrence to cowboys. I have designed the poster as a wanted poster with an image of the creator of the drink Jack Daniel then i have weathered the image to give it more of a style.

Sequence After Crit

Here is my sequence after the class crit after changes like adding a herd of bulls, mountains and clouds. Also removing the gunshots at the end due to advertising rules

Developed Ideas

Here i have developed objects for my sequence after class crit suggestions ...


Planning changes From Commets

Crit Suggestions I plan to do

  • Put more bull behind the fence, then multiply to replicate a herd
  • Keep swinging arm when bucking
  • Follow the cowboy when flying
  • Create more in background like mountains and cactus
  • Flip arm so the thumb is on the inside
My Plans from Other Suggestions (in red is my idea / plan )
  • Develop the jump of the man on to the bull - I plan to make the man more flexible when he jumps on the bull
  • Move the arm when walking - I plan only to sway it a little
  • The background is moving in the wrong direction - It seems like that to the eye when but it is moving the right way
  • Horizon is too high - I feel that it is at a right hight because I wan to imply that it is a wide spreading desert
  • Could make guitar guy different to flying guy and the flying guy goes past - I can get a different colour leather for the waistcoat and make a different cowboy
  • Cant use gun sounds due to advertsing rules - This is right after I recapped on my research

Class Crit Comments

Here are the comments that i got during my class crit .....

  • Develop the jump of the man on to the bull
  • Move the arm when walking
  • Put more bull behind the fence, then multiply to replicate a herd
  • Keep swinging arm when bucking
  • Follow the cowboy when flying
  • The background is moving in the wrong direction
  • Create more in background like mountains and cactus
  • Horizon is too high
  • Leave dust if the cowboy lands to imply a rough landing
  • Could make guitar guy different to flying guy and the flying guy goes past
  • Flip arm so the thumb is on the inside
  • Cant use gun sounds due to advertsing rules
  • Could use sounds like bull, lasso and ye ha
  • Could add clouds to the sky to add more character

Sequence Before Class Crit

Here is my sequence before the class crit. I can see some suggestions being made to my sequence. i feel that i could improve the movement of the figure a bit better also i have a feeling that i can use gunshot noises.

Move To the Beat

After having the suggestion of moving a part of the cowboy to the beat of the music i decided to research it and test it. After searching the net i found a site( that showed how to do this. The way in which this was done was by using the audio amplitued function and only using the both channels of the music. I then placed the arm so it looked like it was playing the guitar.

Eye Experiment

After having the suggestion of adding face features to my character i have decided to add a animated eye instead of a whole face. This is because i feel that by adding an eye it is enough to give the animation charter.

This animation was created by having diffrent shaped eye lids and creating the motion of the eyelids open and shut


After looking at my animatic suggestions i explored what a tumbleweed looked like made out of grass. After scanning it in a few different shapes i decided to scrap the use of a tumbleweed in my new sequence.

Diffrent Camera Views

After looking at my suggestions i have decided to familiarize myself with the different camera views there are so when i comes to planning my new sequence i can get an idea of what it will look like...

Extreme long shot
Extreme Long Shot showing Hollywood sign

Long Shot
Long shot

Medium Shot
Medium shot of a street musician

Close up
close up

Extreme Close-Up
Extreme Close up of a cat's eye

Images from

Comments on Animatics

After asking for comments about my animatics from classmates and teaching staff this is the feedback that I got...

  • improve the style of the tumbe weed/ brush
  • make Jack Daniels poster look weathered
  • Do not use the photo inside the saloon
  • Keep the saloon building
  • separately animate the bull
  • loose the long background strip
  • too predictable
  • add detail to cow
  • add different camera views
  • split the legs but so they move together parent the layers
  • shift the poster to the left or right
  • enlarge the slogan
  • add slogan word by word
  • add depth or texture to the floor
  • blur the horizon
  • move something to the beat of the music
  • add a face
  • could use twigs or grass for tumble weed

Monday, 28 December 2009


Here is the animatic of my advert, I wanted to get as close as I could to my finished product so I added as much detail as possible. I done this by adding the music, saloon and animated cowboy.

Split Pin Cow

Here i have created a bull that can move, i have done this by using split pins. The reason that i i have done this is because i can plan the animation of my bull in my sequence. After showing this to other people i have had the suggestion of using the cow as a stop motion sequence. After thinking about that suggestion i think that it would not work for a number of reasons, but the main reason is that it would not work with the digitally animated cowboy.

Chosen Music - The Airborne Toxic Event

After getting a suggestion of this track from a classmate i have decided to use it. The reason that i think that this is a good choice is because it is a modern take on country music. Within this tract i have found a 30 second period where there is no speech. The reason that i think it is best to use a period with no speech is because i feel that the speech would distract the viewer from the advert.

Material Scans

After coming up with some ideas one that i plan to use is creating a animated cowboy with materials. Here I have created a waistcoat and jeans using leather and denim to give the character a handmade look but using real life material.