Monday, 22 December 2008

Essay Written

I have written the essay on a word document and am pleased with the way that i have analysed both his life and his work I am currently creating material for the essay so that when put together it is in the style of beall  

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Key Facts About Beall

  • Lester Beall (1903–1969) was a twentieth-century American graphic designer notable
  • Lester Thomas Beall was born in Kansas City, Missouri.
  • His family soon moved to St. Louis, Missouri, and later to Chicago, Illinois.
  • Beall studied at the University of Chicago
  • Beall also took classes at the Art Institute of Chicago. After a short period of experimentation and professional work in Chicago, Beall moved to New York in 1935. The following year he established his home/office in Wilton, Connecticut.
  • Through the 1930s and 1940s Beall produced innovative work for clients including the Chicago Tribune, Sterling Engraving, The Art Directors Club of New York, Hiram Walker, Abbott Laboratories and Time magazine.
  • Of particular interest was his work for the Crowell Publishing Company which produced Colliers magazine.The promotional covers "Will There Be War?" and "Hitler's Nightmare" are powerful designs which distill messages of the time.
These facts off the net show that beall had a interesting moving around a lot but still being able to produce a wide variety of work. these facts will help me a lot with my essay

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Successful Printing

After going to blow up to get my material printed i am very happy with the results an the fact that it cost so little that i had both my poster ideas printed and had two of my leaflet made. I have also made my postcards today and i feel that they have come out well.   

Monday, 15 December 2008

Postcard Backs

Here i have created the backs for my postcards with the titles of the images so when I write my essay the images can be looked at and then reversed and they can by identified by the captions on the back  

Friday, 12 December 2008

Class Crit

After Doing my class crit i feel that i have had some useful comments from my class mates, such as ...
  • Re Title leaflet and re design it maybe use the arrow like his work 
  • keep the two tone blue idea for poster
  • keep the car on the right
  • use blue and yellow leaflet
  • the red and blue leaflet is too dark
  • sort out the pictures on the back i a more ordered way   

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Poster Developed Further

After creating the different colour schemes i decided to try a two tone blue idea then to add my own touch to the poster i decided to trace a car a place it in the background as well as a road sign.   

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

poster Idea Development

After deciding to use the idea of petrol with my rural electrification administration poster i then had the problem on deciding on the colour scheme, therefore i decided to try a number of schemes to see what they would look like.     

Monday, 8 December 2008

Gatefold Leaflet

After finishing my leaflets yesterday I can say always think about the colour on the prints as well as the screen because while creating the yellow and blue print I was worried that the white font would not show up well but it did. also when thinking about my leaflet I thought that it is best to use two different colour schemes two see your produce in two different ways. Also when thinking about the content I use a time line of the era, small amount of info about the artist, some of his work, and on the back other artists like him.

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Printed Paper Scans

Here are the scans of my ink jet printed paper using the brown packing paper. now i have tried two techniques using brown packing paper I would like to use an ink jet printer to make my paper. looking at the two diffrent sizes i feel that an interesting way of wrapping my box would be using large print down the side of my box and small print on the top and bottom.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Font Choice

After looking at a number of different fonts for my poster I have decided on two that I feel are very similar to the fonts used by Beall. The first is street corner slab either in bold or semi bold. I feel that these fonts are a wise choice due to there likeness of the fonts used by beall.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Stencil Into Practice

After thinking about my paper I decided to make a sample of my stencil and apply it to a strip of brown paper to see the effect it will have. Therefore here is how it come out and i can say that problems i had with this is the the spray paint was very powerful therefore i created bleeding around the outside. Also the paint spread so much that it went over the whole stencil and on the paper on the table so the next stencil I make will be an A4 piece of card.

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Stencil Preview

Before I start creating my paper I feel that I should make a digital one first so that i get the look and feel of the paper before i create the paper. Although I have not thought about situations such as bleeding by creating this image it also gives me the look as if I were to print on the paper digitally.

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Stencil Template

After being at training at work all day i felt that i needed to have my stencil images created by lessons tomorrow so i can print in class so over the weekend i can create my box and paper therefor i have created theses silhouette to cut out of card and use the spray paint with.     

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Beall's Work

Here is a series of images created by lester beall, notice his use of solid colours as well as mixing solid colours and pattern with photography  

Monday, 24 November 2008

Beall's colours

After thinking about my wrapping paper i have decided that i am going to create my paper with stencils. Therefore i have the plan to make stencils in illustrator or photoshop of his bulb and tap piece. this means looking into his work and identfing his cholour schemes and looking at his work i have come up with these colours to use.     

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Narrowed Down

After looking into each category that we have been given I can say that there are many artists that i like the look of but the era that i like the most is american 40/50s. Therefor the artists that i like the most is sybil andrews and lester beall. And after looking at the art i feel that i like lester beall the most therefore i am going to base my capsule around his art.          

Friday, 21 November 2008

Research into All Catogries

now i have looked into all the catogries I feel that i have an idea of the era i like and i also feel that i have got an idea of the artist. 

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

If you are stuck, Try These Books

while i am sitting here choosing an artist to study i find that these books are very helpful if you are stuck because they have just about every one of them in both of these books. a well as examples of there work and art movements  

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Time Capsule

After being given a new project this week of a time capsule going back in time seems interesting. i say that reading the brief it is a little confusing so i am going to have to look more in depth into the brief to grasp the ideas fully. I like the idea of looking back in time to see how graphic design has been developed over the ages to see where it started and how it has changed.   

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Finished Product

Looking at my final product i can say that i feel that i have had some obstacles along the design process but i have created new ideas to overcome these obstacles. First being not liking my first ideas then changing my cover with a fragrance so i have something to draw on the box. Elements of my box that i am pleased with is the rose and the use of gradients to give it a texture, also i am please with the bubbles that i created then turning it into a scatter brush. Also i am happy with my safety logos down the side panel. overall i am very happy with my finished product.          

3D box

After compleating my 3d box i have had problems, such as the mapping of symbols on my 3d model. I know the reason for this is because i have used so many gradients the processor could not handle the making of the graphic. Therefor i created a plain 3d box then using the shear tool i angled the symbols on the 3d model   

Monday, 10 November 2008

Working all weekend

after working weekend i have found that i have not got much done but i have found that i have my front and back panel finished so now it is just the top, bottom and sides. with the sides this will be quicker because when i decided i was creating soap i typed up all info. 

Friday, 7 November 2008

Making bubbles

to people who want to know how i made the bubbles on on first ideas here is the site 

Thursday, 6 November 2008

ideas development

After thinking about my development of the cover i realised that with my detergent had no fragrience to base my design around therefor i decided to use a rose fregrience with my cover. Once i traced my rose with solid colours it did not look right therefor idecided to use gradients.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Idea Not Working

after creating several different layouts for my front cover with bubbles and washing machines i felt that i needed to develope my ideas further.

Monday, 3 November 2008

Further design Ideas

After designing the front and back pannel and the layout of both sides i realised that i needed to create swatches of colours that i feel would work. Remembering that these designs were going to be printed therefor i needed to keep to gamut coloures. I also looked at the possible fonts to used and i looked at only sans serif fonts because this is what has been used over the market. But i also used sans serif due to with serif fonts it may take up more space when using it in the area of information about the product.   

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Design Compleated

Over the weekend i have completed my box design and i fee that i have enough knowledge of illustrator after watching the dvds to create my design. I also feel that i should still keep to some design elements that are the same over the whole market design  

Friday, 31 October 2008

A Broad look at Cereal Design

Even though i am designing a soap box i feel that it is still worth looking at cereal boxes to find out what techniques that they use... 

Elements  - When looking at the colours and gradients of these three examples I can say that photography is used a lot more in cereal boxes than there is in soapboxes. Therefore it has a lot more colours due to the vast range in colours. Looking at the colours and gradients in the corn flakes cover I can say that Kellogg’s has kept to the classical colours of the logo on a white background but then adding a bevel and emboss effect to the shapes that create the chicken. Then looking at the chocolaty squares I can see that the design is trying to be kept under the ides that brown equals chocolate. Then when looking for gradients there is very light ones on the tails of the cereal illustrations that gives the effect of flying fast. This effect is the repeated by the tesco brand of rice snaps, along with using a blue background. The way these different designs work with their colours and gradients is very different. This is because with the rice snaps the gradient on the flying rice snaps it gives the effect of the rice flying out of the brown. Where as with the choc squares the gradient tail effect is still used but this time it is as if the squares are flying from the middle of the box. And finally the way that the cornflakes design works is with the bevel and emboss being structured from the right of the page it seems as if the light is shining from the right.


Typography -Looking through the design of the cornflakes box I can see that the repetition of colours does not happen a lot because there is only four colours of font. These are black, white, yellow and red. This is a professional technique because by using not too many different colours it is not making the design seem too busy. This analysis is the same for chocolaty squares and rice snaps because they use the same amount of fonts. Looking at the way that coloured typefaces differ from the black text is at the use of coloured text creates a blended look in the design where as the use of black text has a very sharp look in the design for example on the cornflakes box the text corn flakes is very bold text and that is what you see first. Looking at how the logo is strengthened in typography and graphics I can as the with the tesco brand it is just a light blue tone of typography with no graphical used. Where as the logos for Kellogg’s and mornflake have a logo that does not have such a sharp outline where as it is more a curved edge font. But once again there has been no graphical applied to the Kellogg’s but there has been as stroke applied to the mornflake logo. Looking at how many fonts faces are on these boxes I have reviewed the boxes and on average the boxes have around 5 different font faces applied to the box design. Then looking at all boxes and analysing the effects I can see the use of bevel and emboss, stroke, solid colours and gradients.

Thursday, 30 October 2008


after completing my research i have an ides of what techniques i would like to use....
  • bold fonts 
  • a stroke around a stroke 
  • a gradient in form of a shape 
  • a slogan 
  • resemblance of fabric 
  • bevel and emboss

Wednesday, 29 October 2008


I have completed my essay today and i found that you can analyse a product much better when there is only one thin to look at. i say this because i decided to analyse the typography of Ariel box design and i found that they use some cleaver techniques as far as hiding there design as far as font is concerned. 

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Finished Soap Research

i finished my soap box research and i can say that there are many different techniques used with different designs of soap powder boxes. There ones that i woud like to use myself such as bevel and emboss also stroke   

Monday, 27 October 2008

Illustrator Fly outs

Here i have found the fly out illustrstion menu because i find that i keep hunting for tool when using illustrator 

Sunday, 26 October 2008

First research, DONE

After getting my first research document out of the way i can say that there are many different techniques used when designing a soap box. There is many use of different fonts but there is also the cleaver way of making identical fonts seem different using different techniques. When it comes to the making of similar swatches it is best to make your own template to use. There is also the technique of using the same colours but in different opacity's to seem a different colour.         

Friday, 24 October 2008

Here Come The Holidays, NOT

Over the i plan to get all material work out the way such as the research and essay so that i have got none of that to do the two weeks we have after half term so i can get the box completed.    

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Stop Stealing Sheep

To anybody who is thinking of buying stop stealing sheep i would recommend it because it is a very interesing book due to the fact that you are learning the base in which typography was built on. Also it is a very illustrated book so you are being demonstrated what you are reading.  


Before i even start my design process i need to know what the dimensions of the box need to be so i though i measure all three and work out an average in CM....

Height x Width x Depth

Surf = 21 x 14 x6
Bold = 21 x 14.7 x 5.8
Daz = 21 x 14.5 x 5.7

Therefore the average is 

21 x 14.4 x 5.833333333333

but i think it is best to round the numbers to whole numbers so when i make the 3D model it will assemble better. Therefore the dimensions will be

21 x 14 x 6 

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Good Book

After getting advice about is there any books worth getting i was told to get stop stealing sheep a book on typography. So i ordered last night and got an offer of getting the history of graphic design and hopefully it will be through tomorrow.     

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

learning illustrator

I feel that i am grasping the techniques with illustrator, but there is one thing with learning techniques and that is i find it better when i have a demonstration and then a hand out because i fin having the information infront of me helps because i can go back and recap in the imfomation