Sunday 21 February 2010

Exporting Problem

Now i have finished my sequences i want to export them but i keep having this popup coming up and i dont understand so i am going to research what the problem is and try and solve the situation. But to be on the safe side i am going to go in first thing and ask the staff if they know the problem.

Editing Music With Audacity

After finding tracks that i am going to use in my sequences i used audacity to trim 30 second strips that i thought sound right and exported them as mp3 to use in my sequences.

Finding Music

Now i have done my filming and editing i thought i should look for copyright free music because i thought music will suit my editing more that sound effects. I have found a website that provides free copyright free music. within this site i have found an artists called Chris Doris who provides a large range of diffrent types of music. But he has created a number of tracks that sound like there from the 1940s and sound like they would suite my sequences.

Make Do & Mend : Lifestyle

Today I filmed the footage for my lifestyle sequence. In this sequence i am using a number of different situations to imply how to mend broken products and use household substances for other uses.

Veg Patch Filming: Food

Today I filmed the footage for my food sequence. This footage implies that you grow your own veg. To imply this i have used shots of digging, planting and moving soil. I feel that the footage filming went very well with the use of my mini tripod,

Car Filming : Transport

Today I went out Filming for my Transport sequence trying to promote car sharing. by doing this i use the idea of two people getting in a car, shots of them traveling, then a shot to imply that the journey was over. So that the film was still linked to Eastbourne i imply the journey was being made to Eastbourne

New Sequence Plan

After finding the posters that I am going to base my sequences on I now am going to plan my sequences and the footage that I need.

I plan to use a zi8 on a tripod so that my camera shot are stable

Car Sharing – Transport

• Both get in the car
• Driver door shut
• Passenger door shut
• Driver seat belt click
• Passenger seat belt click
• Drive off
• Drive round corner
• Drive down hill
• Drive past Eastbourne / Brighton sign
• Footage of car going into Eastbourne
• Pulling up
• Park car
• Both walk away
• Remake of poster

Dig For Victory – Food

• Mud Twister
• Shovel dig
• Shovel load move
• Sieve shake
• Mud patch
• Seed spike
• Seed poor
• Whole veg patch with grown veg
• Pull up carrot
• Dig trowel
• Brush off spuds
• Snap cabbage
• Snap cauliflower
• Stand shovel
• Remake of poster

Make Do And Mend – Lifestyle

• Side on mug view
• Head on mug view
• Go to bleach cup
• Hand stops bleach
• Salt poured in mug
• Water poured in mug
• Scrub mug with tooth brush
• Shot of clean mug
• Wide shot of kettle
• Shot of exposed wire
• Pull out plug
• Cut wire
• Pull off wire face
• Fix wire
• Plug back in
• Steaming kettle
• Go to polish shoes
• Stop polish
• Peel banana
• Polish shoes with skin
• Buff shoes with cloth
• Banana and shoes together

Your Country Needs You – General

General will be a blend of footage from each sequence. I plan to use footage of

• Rewire the plug
• Planting & Grown veg
• Car sharing shot